Using “Thinking-aloud” method as a “Find and fix” investigation while producing inclusively designs for cognitive disabilities II

J B D Groh
4 min readMar 6, 2021

Face designing inclusively for cognitive disabilities

and application of Thinking-aloud method.

Since the last post, I’m defining some terms and possibles scenarios when we face cognitive disabilities knowledge to conduce problem-solving.

I’m referencing Phillips (2020) and Lewis (1982), facing different era points of view in the same door, and I wish to help to clean the ideas if some of you have curiosity or face up with these kind of project.

Well, continuing the discussion, Philips (2020) propose in his next, thoughts to discuss the great numerous of problems that people face, and their unique behaviors and need, the must tools, and how you can better accommodate them in your digital product. Finally, Philips (2020) define 5 sections, being them:






It is not my objective here to bring all the deep analysis and tips that Philips (2020) did so well in his article. I actually advice you take a deep reading in the text to be more informed.

in another hand, I wanted to bring one of his point of views when looking to cognitive/neurological disabilities:

“It is important to consider all extremes when we design, especially when persuading other stakeholders. All too often people look at the extreme, for example, Dementia or Alzheimers and say “oh those types of users will never use our products…”, end of the conversation.

It is important to point out that actually designing for the extreme means we also include those with medium-to-low cognitive issues which are a far higher majority. Those with Anxiety, Autism, Dyslexia, Migraines, Vertigo, and so many more. All of these affect people to varying degrees and no matter what industry you’re in these users exist.” Philips (2020)

It is important that Designers don’t “give up”, thinking “oh those types of users will never use our products…” but “I will face up and use the facts to create inclusively, using basement and technics to auxiliar me in this process

Its is known the complexity it can have, but we also can find solutions in the Methods I already bring here, as the “Thinking-aloud” Method by Lewis (1982), and will be that way you find in your prototype and tests the chance to use the method as a “Find and fix” investigation.

As proposed in the text from Philips (2020) we know your client has de chance to appear with these 5 different challenges in producing inclusively designs for cognitive disabilities, but you for sure will have ways to figure it out the best way to include your designings in these field.

I would like also to bring some reflections about the problems topic where Phillips (2020) says:

“The problems they are likely to come across are difficulty in focusing, reading and understanding information especially long paragraphs and pages full of text. This is amplified by complex unusual words/sentences and complex navigation and layouts. Visual flickering or audio at certain frequencies/patterns can trigger some of the above conditions and create distractions for others. Finally, medication for some of the above conditions can have side effects that include blurred vision, hand tremors and more.”

These way I agree with him in showing some tools to apply during the processes in this challange as : Word prediction software, Text-to-speech software, Grammar and spelling tools, Touch screens, keyboard only, Pop-up and animation blockers. Phillips (2020) also mention and talk about Inclusive design tips & tricks, Titles, paragraphs, and text, Page structure, Images & iconography, Forms, Navigation, Videos&Animation and Audio! This article is really amazing, if you are curious to know more about, just take this reference in the end of the page.

Well, but what about the “Thinking-aloud” Method as a “Find and fix” investigation?

Well, in my point of view, as we face up the method as a problem-solution based thinking, we must use it more if we work as a searcher ui/ux, where you probably manipulate data, analyses and has the challange to face up the problems, test and ressignificate. It can be made also during tests A/B.

In this step its possible to try to add the method to find up faster what's happening, and how to fix it creativtly!

As any search project involving users, we may need


Follow Instructions

A observer

we also may maybe make de use of

Records & Analysis

And finnaly get a Report.

The author Lewis (1982) finally answer in his research report that :

(LEWIS, 1982, p. 6)


PHILLIPS, Blayne. The three levels of accessibility. UX Collective, [S. l.], p. 1–3, 6 dez. 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 mar. 2021

PHILLIPS, Blayne. Tips on designing inclusively for cognitive disabilities: Their problems, behaviours, needs & tools, plus design guidelines for building accessible products. UX Collective, [S. l.], p. 1–3, 6 dez. 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 mar. 2021.

LEWIS, Clayton. Using the “Thinking-aloud” Method in Cognitive Interface Design. IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, [S. l.], p. 1, 31 mar. 1982.



J B D Groh
J B D Groh

Written by J B D Groh


I'm a science lover that try to express all my curiosity though it !I'm a designer, an engineer, a tech lover, you may find things in this fields here!

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